Wednesday, December 3, 2014


I can't remember if I have ever made popcorn strands as a child...maybe in school at some point?  Anyways, popcorn is a hot commodity in our house, one of the most requested snacks.   I thought it would be fun for the boys to give the tree a couple of nice popcorn accessories tonight.  Holy cow, like I said I'm not sure if I have ever done this before and therefore had no idea the commitment.  Hundreds of little pieces of popcorn on a string with a 2  and 4 year old.   Let's just say they were excited for approximately 4 minutes and then proceeded to stuff their faces with large quantities of popcorn for the next 20 minutes.  Then, they were totally done and I was left with two partially finished popcorn strands.  12 needle pokes later we have some popcorn on our tree.  Lesson learned :)  Maybe we will try again in 5 years....maybe.  Or, maybe we will sit in front of the tree and eat large bowls of popcorn instead.

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