Friday, October 16, 2009

Psalm 131

This semester my friend Emily and I have been doing a Beth Moore study on the Psalms of Ascent. As part of this study we have be rewriting Psalms 120-134 as personal prayers to Jesus. This has act has really been impacting my spiritual life this semester as I get a chance to be both creative and reflective...things I often don't allow myself the time to be. Here is my psalm 131:

Psalm 131
LORD humble my heart, let no ounce of pride find a home there.
Purify my glances and let my eyes never be to good for those around me.
LORD I do not want to be involved in things to great for my mind.
I want to rest quietly in your embrace like a small child in its mothers arms.
Forever and ever is how long I want to put my hope in You.
Please keep my heart aligned with You.