Thursday, January 17, 2008

Yahweh Rophe

So lately I have been thinking a lot about restoration. Erin mentioned it to me about a month ago when talking about her Sunday school class and the teacher praying for healing. I don't know if I had ever really prayed for spiritually healing in those terms before but I liked the idea. Whenever I think of healing I always think of physical or even emotional and in the last six months David and I have cried out those prayers many times. However, this prayer for restoration and healing in the spiritually sense is new and I like it.

I have left the idea to float around in my mind until last week when I pulled out an old bible study Melissa and I did several years called Praying the Names of God. One chapter in there is on Yahweh Rophe, the Lord who heals. The Hebrew word rophe means "heal, cure, restore or make whole." Make whole, I really like that sound of that. It makes me think of all the times I pray asking for forgiveness and laying everything out there then leaving still having a void. I know that I am not supposed to hold on to things after handing them over to Jesus but this prayer for restoration, restore me Jesus, make me whole and bring me back to how I am supposed to be in you has really opened my eyes. I can be restored, never fully in this life, but Jesus can bring me closer to that state. Transformation can happen.

Psalm 147

1 Hallelujah! It's a good thing to sing praise to our God;
praise is beautiful, praise is fitting.

2-5God's the one who rebuilds Jerusalem,
who regathers Israel's scattered exiles.
He heals the heartbroken
and bandages their wounds.
He counts the stars
and assigns each a name.
Our Lord is great, with limitless strength;
we'll never comprehend what he knows and does.

This makes me think corporately too, how as a "we" we can be restored. Jesus will set us right, one day we will all be restored.

Sorry if this is jumbled. Have a great day guys!

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