Sunday, January 6, 2008

Lazy Sunday


It has been a great few days getting things situated. Thanks to anyone who was a part of our wedding and/or gave us so many amazing gifts! We've spent the last few days just trying to sort through all of them. It has been a lot of fun and we're so excited to try out all of our cool new toys (i.e. anything from kitchen utensils to a few cool new board games).

On a slightly different note, I found out the other day that one of my favorite bands is in need of assistance. Cool Hand Luke has been an incredibly important part of my musical and faith experiences the last four years. Check out the note they wrote if you haven't already. And if you haven't heard their music, check it out!

I start work tomorrow at Lanphier and Linds is gearing up for another exciting semester of campus ministry. We're both looking forward to students being back and can't wait to see what God does on campus.


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