Thursday, January 3, 2008


Current Location: Savannah International Airport
Local Time: 1:21pm
Arrival Time at airport: 9:30
Departure Time: 2:25
Not to shabby...

We are sitting in the airport because our Chicago flight was canceled this morning. David and I have had lots of relaxing time in really comfy waiting seats. There is no sarcasm there, the chairs are nice. We were bored so we bought access to the internet to get some work done. I can't believe the honeymoon is over and we are on the verge on being thrown into real life. David starts teaching on Monday and I start preparing for a new semester. I am so excited for some new things CSF is doing and I can't wait to for the students to return to Springfield.

Well it is time to play with the video camera again or maybe read some more. We are reading unChristian by David Kinnamon of the Barna Group and Gabe Lyons. It is pretty good and definitely provides some reflection material. More on that later.



Matt W said...

We love you guys.

Anonymous said...

one of my friends is reading that too... i plan on doing that soon. i've heard it's good! sorry you got stuck at the airport! love you!

The Lasleys said...

Hey Mandi!

I would recommend unChristian it is good but I sure you have a long list of really good books already :) Let me know what you think if you get the chance to read it.
