Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Peace of Peter - Acts 12

I have been rereading the book of Acts the last couple of weeks. Acts is probably my favorite book of the Bible if I had to pick which is really hard to do. I love the hope, action, and amazingness (blogger says that is not a word but I am going to keep it anyways) of the stories that make up Acts. God has been teaching me a lot about testimonies and the importance of sharing the stories of our lives the last couple of months. Acts is jammed pack full of stories of the early church and how God kept providing, expanding, and changing what it meant to follow Jesus. This read through I have decided to read Acts in the Message for the first time. (Thanks for the inspiration Debra!)

Today, I read through chaps 11 and 12 and this one phrase in chapter 12 will not get out of my head. I have been chewing on it all morning. It says in verse 6 "That night, even though shackled to two soldiers, one on either side, Peter slept like a baby." Peter slept like a baby. Now for this to make sense her is some context: King Herod, in hopes of uping his popularity with the Jews, decided to start persecuting some of the Christ Followers. He killed James, brother of John and threw Peter in prison. After passover, Herod was planning to make a public spectacle of torturing and killing Peter. The night before it was to take place verse 6 happens. Peter is chained with a death warrant and he is sleeping like a baby. SLEEPING LIKE A BABY!! What ?!? Peter was not freaking out, he was not planning his escape route, he was not weeping, he was not yelling at God or making baragins with God if God would spare his life, all things that would run through my mind. No, Peter is at peace.

I was thinking when was the last time a slept like a baby...It has been awhile. I don't have a death sentence weighing over me, all I have is some events to plan or meetings to attend. However, I am still waking up after nights of stressful dreams and my mind is racing. Where is the peace?

I think Peter was so confident with God's decision about his life that he did not need to stress or worry. Peter must have trusted God whether his life was going to end with death the next day or if God was going to miraculously provide an escape. It didn't matter if it was going to be martyrdom or rescue, Peter knew God would be there. Peter trusted in God's love and had given himself over as a servant. It was no longer Peter who lived but Christ living through him. And there was peace.

Peter was able to write in 1 Peter 5:6-7 " So be content with who you are, and don't put on airs. God's strong hand is on you; he'll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.' (the message) or 7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. (NLT)."

Be carefree because God cares about you. This is coming from a man on the night before he was sentenced to die was sleeping like a baby. Peter knew stressful and dangerous situations and He is living out his command.

Peace. We can have it, the Spirit is wanting to give it....what is bogging us down? I know I am letting a lot of the little things stress me out and I am giving into worry over God's provision. The little worries are starting to shape me and my world view and cloud my view of the truth in situations.

I didn't mean for this to come out like a sermon....just thoughts about sleeping like a baby.


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