Friday, March 20, 2009

Minnesota Mission Trip

This week we took a group of 9 students (13 of us in all) to Nett Lake, MN. David's parents work with a church on the Bois Forte Indian Reservation at Nett Lake. We traveled the 12 hours north to work with the church and the local grade school. The trip was a blast! This was our fourth spring break journey to Nett Lake and the kids really look forward to our group's return. Our group hosted an after school program Mon-Wed for the grade school and then helped out with open gyms in the evenings for the junior high and high school kids. We even had an opportunity to participate in a Math Fun Day on Wednesday and meet a lot of the kid's parents.

When we arrived on Saturday night, David and I talked with the group about being attentive to the Spirit promptings and to be intentional with one another during our time on the Rez. It was amazing to see them take to this heart and live it out. They not only were looking for every opportunity to help around the church and serve one another but they were learning the kid's names and finding every way possible to hang out at the school.

Our memory verses for the week was 1 Peter 4:7-11. Verse 10 says "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others." We experienced this on the trip. We had a super hero drawing option for the after school program where the kids could make up their own super heros. We had a science experiment class where they used rulers to make a catapult. We played volleyball and basketball. Everyone's gifts were used to connect with the children of Nett Lake.

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