Thursday, November 27, 2008

Northern MN church

Sitting here at home at Nett Lake, half watching the news when a story came on about a congregation that had three guitars stolen from their building.  Apparently at least one or two of them had been donated to the group by a guy in the community.  The news network said the donor didn't want any recognition so the news network didn't disclose his name.  I was kind of taken by surprise by the donor's request, because I can't imagine how hard it would be to really tell a news network "don't put me on TV."   ...I decided to give the story my full attention.

The news network began doing interviews with a few of the members, and one of the last ones was with a leader from the church.  When asked if charges would be pressed, he said "I'm not going to press charges against whoever did this, I just want them to come worship with us!"

My heart just kind of skipped a beat witnessing God's love and grace in action.  very cool...

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