Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Things

So I did this on facebook but I thought I would add it here too. I realize that I am always the one to post surveys on here...I guess they aren't really David's thing.

1. This is my first facebook note! (Doesn't really apply to the blog).
2. My first name and my last name have the majority of the same letters making them flow very nicely.
3. I love mexican food...I think David and I eat at least three meals of it a week.
4. I was a cheerleader for 8 years, including one at UIS. It consumed a large part of my life. (That one is for my mom-n-law who loves me despite the fact that I was cheerleader :) )
4. I flew on my first airplane when I was 3 weeks old. Flying has never been a fear of mine, I love adventures!
5. I am really shy until I get to know someone and then I probably won't shut up.
6. I used to not watch much TV until I discovered the Office and John and Kate + 8.
7. David and I dated twice. I am glad the second ended much better than the first :)
8. Campus ministry changed my life and I am blessed to give back to it everyday.
9. I went to 6 different schools, 3 were different grade schools. These schools were in three states and one on a military base overseas.
10. My dad was in the Air Force for the first 13 years of my life. I thought everyone moved every couple of years for a long time.
11. On my first day of school in Meredosia (I was starting 8th grade) all the old teachers thought I was my Aunt Julie's daughter(my dad's sis). It was really weird because my cousin Corey (her son) is only 3 months younger than me and was in the same class...never could figure that out. Still to this day everyone thinks I look like my aunt...sorry mom.
12. I really enjoy reading fiction books and recently it has been pop fantasy like Harry Potter, Eragon and Twilight.
13. Jenny and I did what lots of college students say they will do. We went to Europe for two weeks when we graduated college.
14. I am blessed to work with some of my best friends everyday.
15. Until Junior High I only had freckles on half of my forehead.
16. I am very clusty (?), have bad depth perception and issues with fourwheelers/go karts. My cousins like to tell stories of all my accidents like when I ran over my foot with a 4wheeler or when I ran the go kart into the house.
17. I worked in a corn field every summer for 5 years. I don't have issues driving farm equipment or cars.
18. I want to read all of Jane Austin's books someday.
19. I would like to live in another country for at least month during my adult life.
20. God changed David and I's lives through our trip to Kenya last summer...no not changed but is continually changing.
21. I love dessert!
22. I like spontaneity but also organization and planning. My brain has lots of internal struggles.
23. I like open communication...when it is not there my brain starts shutting down. I need to be more patient in this area.
24. Small talk scares me. It intimidates me more than anything else.
25. My husband is my best friend, I am soo fortunate that I get to learn from him for the next 80 years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Flew a plane at 3!? That's hardcore.